I have neglected this blog for some time now in favour of my personal blog, multicolouredsmartypants and my cookery blog, Easy Cooking on a Budget. Given the predictions about the British economy, post-Brexit, I decided it would be a good idea to create a blog focusing on home made things, homemaking and frugality. ‘Frugal Freda’ sounded like a good name, but it turns out there’s already a blog called Frugal Frieda, so that won’t work. Then I remembered the lost and lonely Unpaving Paradise Project and realised that I already have a wonderful place to address issues that relate to frugality, homemaking and the environment. Being a housewife myself and living with a chronic health condition, I want to blog about how I am going about the task of moving from disorganised chaos to organised, not-quite-so-chaotic, enjoyable family home, especially as we live in a marvellous old house which requires an approach different to that taken for the typical 3 or 4 bed semi that pervade the UK.

I have discovered a love of housework that I never knew I could have and it is a joy to be able to put my creativity to work in the process of decluttering, organising and using what I have to hand, or making something, instead of just buying whatever takes my fancy. My mother is a shopoholic and although I don’t go to the lengths she does to buy, buy, buy… well, let’s just say that it has come to my attention that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree o_O

So, welcome to the new and improved Unpaving Paradise Project. I will try to blog about once a week.

To get the ball rolling, I am making lots of Christmas presents this year. I have already made eight flannels/washcloths, and am currently crocheting a Harry Potter scarf  for my youngest child. I had to buy the yarn for the scarf, and I have ordered a Gryffindor sew-on badge, but the flannels were all made with yarn that I already owned. In my ongoing attempt at decluttering I sorted out all of my craft stuff. Turns out I could probably open my own shop, so I decided to make the most of what is already here, rather than buying more. I am also going to make some scented soaps to go with the flannels and I have some homemade vanilla extract steeping in the back of my wardrobe.

How about you? Any ideas for a frugal or environmentally-friendly Christmas? I’d love to hear from you!

5 responses to “NEW AND IMPROVED

  1. Pingback: The Goose is Getting Fat | multicolouredsmartypants

  2. We’re doing the most un-frugal thing this year: driving 8-9 hours to Missouri to see his family, which includes staying in hotel, eating out, etc. But we need to see them. His parents are in their eighties and can’t travel.

    • My husband’s mother is in her eighties, too, and lives in a care home nearby. I think when people get to that age you have to just do what you need to do. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas. Sounds like it will be a good chance to put your feet up!

  3. Can’t wait to hear more! One thing…this font size is a little too small for my 50-year-old eyes, even with reading glasses on. Sorry to complain! Merry Christmas to you and your family!

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